2014-03-10 10:18:35 +01:00

1.4 KiB


Self-contained, opinionated .tmux.conf configuration file.


The master branch targets tmux 1.9+. You may want to use the 1.7 or 1.8 branch.

Please note that tmux 1.9 and 1.9a SEGFAULT when using the maximize pane feature. As a consequence, the feature is disabled for those versions.


  • C-a acts as secondary prefix, while keeping default C-b prefix
  • visual theme inspired by powerline
  • maximize any pane to a new window with <prefix>+ (tmux 1.6+, except 1.9 and 1.9a)
  • mouse mode toggle with <prefix>m
  • automatic usage of reattach-to-user-namespace if available
  • laptop battery status


$ cd
$ rm -rf .tmux
$ git clone
$ ln -s .tmux/.tmux.conf

Accessing the Mac OSX clipboard from within tmux sessions

Chris Johnsen created the reattach-to-user-namespace utility that makes pbcopy and pbpaste work again within tmux.

If available, reattach-to-user-namespace will be automatically used by this tmux configuration. You just have to install it for instance with brew:

$ brew install reattach-to-user-namespace