AC_PREREQ([2.59]) AC_INIT([sngrep], [0.2.1], [], [sngrep], []) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.10]) AM_SILENT_RULES([yes]) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([src/config.h]) AC_COPYRIGHT("Irontec S.L.") # Define _GNU_SOURCE etc. AC_USE_SYSTEM_EXTENSIONS # debug compilation AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug, AC_HELP_STRING(--enable-debug, [Debug compilation (Default = no)]), enable_debug=$enableval, enable_debug=no) if test "$enable_debug" = "yes" ; then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -g -O0 -Wall -Werror -Wno-unused-but-set-variable" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $CFLAGS" fi # Minimum checks for a C program :) AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_CXX AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_LN_S AC_PROG_EGREP AC_LANG(C) ####################################################################### # Check for other REQUIRED libraries AC_CHECK_HEADER([ncurses.h], [], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([ You need to have ncurses development files installed to compile sngrep.]) ]) AC_CHECK_LIB([ncurses], [initscr], [], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([ You need to have libncurses installed to compile sngrep.]) ]) AC_CHECK_LIB([panel], [new_panel], [], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([ You need to have ncurses panel library installed to compile sngrep.]) ]) AC_CHECK_LIB([form], [new_form], [], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([ You need to have ncurses forms library installed to compile sngrep.]) ]) AC_CHECK_LIB([menu], [new_item], [], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([ You need to have ncurses menu library installed to compile sngrep.]) ]) AC_CHECK_LIB([pthread], [pthread_create], [], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([ You need to have libpthread installed to compile sngrep.]) ]) AC_CHECK_LIB([pcap], [pcap_open_offline], [], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([ You need to have libpcap installed to compile sngrep.]) ]) AC_CHECK_HEADER([pcap.h], [], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([ You need to have libpcap development files installed to compile sngrep.]) ]) # Check for SSL dependencies AC_ARG_ENABLE([openssl], AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-openssl], [Disable TLS SIP Transport])) AS_IF([test "x$enable_openssl" != "xno"], [ AC_CHECK_LIB([ssl], [SSL_new], [], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([ You need to have libssl installed to compile sngrep (or use --disable-openssl)]) ]) AC_CHECK_LIB([crypto], [EVP_get_cipherbyname], [], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([ You need to have libcrypto installed to compile sngrep (or use --disable-openssl)]) ]) AC_DEFINE([WITH_OPENSSL],[],[Compile With Openssl compatibility]) ], []) # Conditional Source inclusion AM_CONDITIONAL([WITH_OPENSSL], [test "x$enable_openssl" != "xno"]) ###################################################################### if test "x${silent}" != "xyes" ; then echo echo ' OZZZO ' echo ' OZZZO ' echo ' .: OZZZO :. ' echo ' :DDD. OZZZO DDD~ ' echo ' :DDDDD. OZZZO DDDDD: ' echo ' DDDDDDD. OZZZO DDDDDDD. ' echo ' .DDDDDD OZZZO .DDDDDD. ' echo ' ODDDD?. OZZZO .~DDDDZ. ' echo ' DDDDD. OZZZO 8DDDD ' echo ' ,DDDD. ..... DDDD, ' echo ' ~DDDD DDDD+ ' echo ' :DDDD. DDDD, ' echo ' DDDDD 8DDDD. ' echo ' ODDDD? ~DDDDZ ' echo ' .DDDDDD. .DDDDDD. ' echo ' .DDDDDD8. .8DDDDDD ' echo ' .:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:. ' echo ' .~DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD~. ' echo ' .:DDDDDDDDD,. ' echo fi AC_MSG_NOTICE AC_MSG_NOTICE( ====================================================== ) AC_MSG_NOTICE( sngrep configure finished ) AC_MSG_NOTICE( ---------------------------------------------------- ) AC_MSG_NOTICE( ====================================================== ) AC_MSG_NOTICE AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([src/Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([config/Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([doc/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT