##----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## sngreprc - sngrep configuration file ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## This file stores sngrep configuration and it's totally optional ## ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Enable color on or off # set color off ## Use default foreground and background colors of your terminal # set background default ## Disable syntax highlighting # set syntax off ## Or enable branch/tag highlighting # set syntax.tag on # set syntax.branch on ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Uncomment to configure packet count capture limit (can't be disabled) # set capture.limit 50000 ## Default capture keyfile for TLS transport # set capture.keyfile /etc/ssl/key.pem ## Uncommnet to lookup hostnames from packets ips # set capture.lookup on ## Set default capture device # use special keyword 'any', a device name 'eth0' or a comma-separated list like 'eth1,eth3' # set capture.device any ## Set default dump file # set capture.outfile /tmp/last_capture.pcap ## Set size of pcap capture buffer in MB (default: 2) # set capture.buffer 2 ## Uncomment to enable parsing of captured HEP3 packets # set capture.eep on ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Default path in save dialog # set sngrep.savepath /tmp/sngrep-captures ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Change default scrolling in call list and call flow # set cl.scrollstep 20 # set cf.scrollstep 4 ## Disable exit prompt # set cl.noexitprompt off ## Or set its default button # set cl.defexitbutton 0/1 # Set default filter on startup # set filter.methods INVITE ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## You can change the default number of columns in call list ## ## Set displayed columns in call list screen ## set cl.column{num} {field} ## ## You can optionally configure the column width using ## set cl.column{num}.width {num} ## ## Available columns fields are: ## - sipfrom ## - sipfromuser ## - sipto ## - siptouser ## - src ## - srchost ## - dst ## - dsthost ## - callid ## - xcallid ## - date ## - time ## - msgcnt ## - transport ## - state ## - convdur ## - totaldur ## ## Examples: # set cl.column0 sipfrom # set cl.column0.width 30 # set cl.column1 sipto # set cl.column2 msgcnt # set cl.column3 src # set cl.column4 dst # set cl.column4.width 22 # set cl.column5 starting # set cl.column5.width 15 # set cl.column6 state ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Default minimun size from Message payload in Call Flow panel # set cf.rawminwidth 40 ## Fixed raw preview size # set cf.rawfixedwidth 40 ## Set selected highlight mode in call flow (bold, reverse or reversebold) # set cf.highlight reverse ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Uncomment to display dialogs that does not start with a request method # set sip.noincomplete off ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Uncomment to define custom b_leg correlation header # set sip.xcid X-Call-ID|X-CID