
294 lines
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// Package oauth2 provides support for making
// OAuth2 authorized and authenticated HTTP requests.
// It can additionally grant authorization with Bearer JWT.
// Example usage:
// // Specify your configuration. (typically as a global variable)
// config := oauth2.NewConfig(&oauth2.Options{
// ClientSecret: YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET,
// RedirectURL: "http://you.example.org/handler",
// Scopes: []string{ "scope1", "scope2" },
// // A landing page redirects to the OAuth provider to get the auth code.
// func landing(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// http.Redirect(w, r, config.AuthCodeURL("foo"), http.StatusFound)
// }
// // The user will be redirected back to this handler, that takes the
// // "code" query parameter and Exchanges it for an access token.
// func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// t, err := config.NewTransportWithCode(r.FormValue("code"))
// // The Transport now has a valid Token. Create an *http.Client
// // with which we can make authenticated API requests.
// c := t.Client()
// c.Post(...)
// }
package oauth2
import (
// The default transport implementation to be used while
// making the authorized requests.
var DefaultTransport = http.DefaultTransport
type tokenRespBody struct {
AccessToken string `json:"access_token"`
TokenType string `json:"token_type"`
RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token"`
ExpiresIn time.Duration `json:"expires_in"`
IdToken string `json:"id_token"`
// TokenFetcher refreshes or fetches a new access token from the
// provider. It should return an error if it's not capable of
// retrieving a token.
type TokenFetcher interface {
// FetchToken retrieves a new access token for the provider.
// If the implementation doesn't know how to retrieve a new token,
// it returns an error.
FetchToken(existing *Token) (*Token, error)
// Options represents options to provide OAuth 2.0 client credentials
// and access level. A sample configuration:
// opts := &oauth2.Options{
// ClientID: "<clientID>",
// ClientSecret: "ad4364309eff",
// RedirectURL: "https://homepage/oauth2callback",
// Scopes: []string{"scope1", "scope2"},
// AccessType: "offline", // retrieves a refresh token
// }
type Options struct {
// ClientID is the OAuth client identifier used when communicating with
// the configured OAuth provider.
ClientID string `json:"client_id"`
// ClientSecret is the OAuth client secret used when communicating with
// the configured OAuth provider.
ClientSecret string `json:"client_secret"`
// RedirectURL is the URL to which the user will be returned after
// granting (or denying) access.
RedirectURL string `json:"redirect_url"`
// Optional, identifies the level of access being requested.
Scopes []string `json:"scopes"`
// Optional, "online" (default) or "offline", no refresh token if "online"
AccessType string `json:"omit"`
// ApprovalPrompt indicates whether the user should be
// re-prompted for consent. If set to "auto" (default) the
// user will be prompted only if they haven't previously
// granted consent and the code can only be exchanged for an
// access token.
// If set to "force" the user will always be prompted, and the
// code can be exchanged for a refresh token.
ApprovalPrompt string `json:"omit"`
// NewConfig creates a generic OAuth 2.0 configuration that talks
// to an OAuth 2.0 provider specified with authURL and tokenURL.
func NewConfig(opts *Options, authURL, tokenURL string) (*Config, error) {
conf := &Config{
opts: opts,
authURL: authURL,
tokenURL: tokenURL,
if err := conf.validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return conf, nil
// Config represents the configuration of an OAuth 2.0 consumer client.
type Config struct {
opts *Options
// AuthURL is the URL the user will be directed to
// in order to grant access.
authURL string
// TokenURL is the URL used to retrieve OAuth tokens.
tokenURL string
// Options returns options.
func (c *Config) Options() *Options {
return c.opts
// AuthCodeURL returns a URL to OAuth 2.0 provider's consent page
// that asks for permissions for the required scopes explicitly.
func (c *Config) AuthCodeURL(state string) (authURL string, err error) {
u, err := url.Parse(c.authURL)
if err != nil {
q := url.Values{
"response_type": {"code"},
"client_id": {c.opts.ClientID},
"redirect_uri": {c.opts.RedirectURL},
"scope": {strings.Join(c.opts.Scopes, " ")},
"state": {state},
"access_type": {c.opts.AccessType},
"approval_prompt": {c.opts.ApprovalPrompt},
if u.RawQuery == "" {
u.RawQuery = q
} else {
u.RawQuery += "&" + q
return u.String(), nil
// NewTransport creates a new authorizable transport. It doesn't
// initialize the new transport with a token, so after creation,
// you need to set a valid token (or an expired token with a valid
// refresh token) in order to be able to do authorized requests.
// Example:
// t, _ := c.NewTransport()
// t.SetToken(validToken)
func (c *Config) NewTransport() (Transport, error) {
return NewAuthorizedTransport(c, nil), nil
// NewTransportWithCode exchanges the OAuth 2.0 exchange code with
// the provider to fetch a new access token (and refresh token). Once
// it succesffully retrieves a new token, creates a new transport
// authorized with it.
func (c *Config) NewTransportWithCode(exchangeCode string) (Transport, error) {
token, err := c.Exchange(exchangeCode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewAuthorizedTransport(c, token), nil
// Exchange exchanges the exchange code with the OAuth 2.0 provider
// to retrieve a new access token.
func (c *Config) Exchange(exchangeCode string) (*Token, error) {
token := &Token{}
err := c.updateToken(token, url.Values{
"grant_type": {"authorization_code"},
"redirect_uri": {c.opts.RedirectURL},
"scope": {strings.Join(c.opts.Scopes, " ")},
"code": {exchangeCode},
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return token, nil
// FetchToken retrieves a new access token and updates the existing token
// with the newly fetched credentials. If existing token doesn't
// contain a refresh token, it returns an error.
func (c *Config) FetchToken(existing *Token) (*Token, error) {
if existing == nil || existing.RefreshToken == "" {
return nil, errors.New("cannot fetch access token without refresh token.")
err := c.updateToken(existing, url.Values{
"grant_type": {"refresh_token"},
"refresh_token": {existing.RefreshToken},
return existing, err
// Checks if all required configuration fields have non-zero values.
func (c *Config) validate() error {
if c.opts.ClientID == "" {
return errors.New("A client ID should be provided.")
if c.opts.ClientSecret == "" {
return errors.New("A client secret should be provided.")
// TODO(jbd): Are redirect URIs allowed to be a
// non-value string in the spec?
if c.opts.RedirectURL == "" {
return errors.New("A redirect URL should be provided.")
// TODO(jbd): Validate the URLs. Maybe convert them to URL
// objects on construction.
if c.authURL == "" {
return errors.New("An auth URL should be provided.")
if c.tokenURL == "" {
return errors.New("A token URL should be provided.")
return nil
func (c *Config) updateToken(tok *Token, v url.Values) error {
v.Set("client_id", c.opts.ClientID)
v.Set("client_secret", c.opts.ClientSecret)
r, err := (&http.Client{Transport: DefaultTransport}).PostForm(c.tokenURL, v)
if err != nil {
return err
defer r.Body.Close()
if r.StatusCode != 200 {
// TODO(jbd): Add status code or error message
return errors.New("Error during updating token.")
resp := &tokenRespBody{}
content, _, _ := mime.ParseMediaType(r.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
switch content {
case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "text/plain":
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err != nil {
return err
vals, err := url.ParseQuery(string(body))
if err != nil {
return err
resp.AccessToken = vals.Get("access_token")
resp.TokenType = vals.Get("token_type")
resp.RefreshToken = vals.Get("refresh_token")
resp.ExpiresIn, _ = time.ParseDuration(vals.Get("expires_in") + "s")
resp.IdToken = vals.Get("id_token")
if err = json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&resp); err != nil {
return err
// The JSON parser treats the unitless ExpiresIn like 'ns' instead of 's' as above,
// so compensate here.
resp.ExpiresIn *= time.Second
tok.AccessToken = resp.AccessToken
tok.TokenType = resp.TokenType
// Don't overwrite `RefreshToken` with an empty value
if resp.RefreshToken != "" {
tok.RefreshToken = resp.RefreshToken
if resp.ExpiresIn == 0 {
tok.Expiry = time.Time{}
} else {
tok.Expiry = time.Now().Add(resp.ExpiresIn)
if resp.IdToken != "" {
if tok.Extra == nil {
tok.Extra = make(map[string]string)
tok.Extra["id_token"] = resp.IdToken
return nil