
107 lines
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// Package google provides support for making
// OAuth2 authorized and authenticated HTTP requests
// to Google APIs. It supports Web server, client-side,
// service accounts, Google Compute Engine service accounts,
// and Google App Engine service accounts authorization
// and authentications flows:
// For more information, please read
// https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2.
// Example usage:
// // Web server flow usage:
// // Specify your configuration.
// // Your credentials should be obtained from the Google
// // Developer Console (https://console.developers.google.com).
// var config = google.NewConfig(&oauth2.Opts{
// ClientSecret: YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET,
// RedirectURL: "http://you.example.org/handler",
// Scopes: []string{ "scope1", "scope2" },
// })
// // A landing page redirects to Google to get the auth code.
// func landing(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// http.Redirect(w, r, config.AuthCodeURL(""), http.StatusFound)
// }
// // The user will be redirected back to this handler, that takes the
// // "code" query parameter and Exchanges it for an access token.
// func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// t, err := config.NewTransportWithCode(r.FormValue("code"))
// // The Transport now has a valid Token. Create an *http.Client
// // with which we can make authenticated API requests.
// c := t.Client()
// c.Post(...)
// }
// // Service accounts usage:
// // Google Developer Console will provide a p12 file contains
// // a private key. You need to export it to the pem format.
// // Run the following command to generate a pem file that
// // contains your private key:
// // $ openssl pkcs12 -in /path/to/p12key.p12 -out key.pem -nodes
// // Then, specify your configuration.
// var config = google.NewServiceAccountConfig(&oauth2.JWTOpts{
// Email: "xxx@developer.gserviceaccount.com",
// PemFilename: "/path/to/key.pem",
// Scopes: []string{
// "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly"
// },
// })
// // Create a transport.
// t, err := config.NewTransport()
// // Or, you can create a transport that impersonates
// // a Google user.
// t, err := config.NewTransportWithUser(googleUserEmail)
// // Create a client to make authorized requests.
// c := t.Client()
// c.Post(...)
package google
import (
const (
// Google endpoints.
uriGoogleAuth = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth"
uriGoogleToken = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token"
// ComputeEngineConfig represents a OAuth 2.0 consumer client
// running on Google Compute Engine.
type ComputeEngineConfig struct{}
// NewConfig creates a new OAuth2 config that uses Google
// endpoints.
func NewConfig(opts *oauth2.Options) (*oauth2.Config, error) {
return oauth2.NewConfig(opts, uriGoogleAuth, uriGoogleToken)
// NewServiceAccountConfig creates a new JWT config that can
// fetch Bearer JWT tokens from Google endpoints.
func NewServiceAccountConfig(opts *oauth2.JWTOptions) (*oauth2.JWTConfig, error) {
return oauth2.NewJWTConfig(opts, uriGoogleToken)
// NewComputeEngineConfig creates a new config that can fetch tokens
// from Google Compute Engine instance's metaserver.
func NewComputeEngineConfig() (*ComputeEngineConfig, error) {
// Should fetch an access token from the meta server.
return &ComputeEngineConfig{}, nil
// NewTransport creates an authorized transport.
func (c *ComputeEngineConfig) NewTransport() (oauth2.Transport, error) {
return oauth2.NewAuthorizedTransport(c, nil), nil
// FetchToken retrieves a new access token via metadata server.
func (c *ComputeEngineConfig) FetchToken(existing *oauth2.Token) (*oauth2.Token, error) {
panic("not yet implemented")