git-svn-id: d0543943-73ff-0310-b7d9-9358b9ac24b2
This commit is contained in:
Anthony Minessale 2007-06-12 21:35:37 +00:00
parent 90a5504dba
commit a035ec592c
2 changed files with 92 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -36,8 +36,98 @@
static const char modname[] = "mod_bridgecall";
static void audio_bridge_function(switch_core_session_t *session, char *data)
switch_channel_t *caller_channel;
switch_core_session_t *peer_session = NULL;
unsigned int timelimit = 60;
char *var;
uint8_t no_media_bridge = 0;
switch_call_cause_t cause = SWITCH_CAUSE_NORMAL_CLEARING;
uint8_t do_continue = 0;
if (switch_strlen_zero(data)) {
caller_channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
assert(caller_channel != NULL);
if ((var = switch_channel_get_variable(caller_channel, "call_timeout"))) {
timelimit = atoi(var);
if ((var = switch_channel_get_variable(caller_channel, "continue_on_fail"))) {
do_continue = switch_true(var);
if (switch_channel_test_flag(caller_channel, CF_BYPASS_MEDIA)
|| ((var = switch_channel_get_variable(caller_channel, SWITCH_BYPASS_MEDIA_VARIABLE)) && switch_true(var))) {
if (!switch_channel_test_flag(caller_channel, CF_ANSWERED)
&& !switch_channel_test_flag(caller_channel, CF_EARLY_MEDIA)) {
switch_channel_set_flag(caller_channel, CF_BYPASS_MEDIA);
} else {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Channel is already up, delaying point-to-point mode 'till both legs are up.\n");
no_media_bridge = 1;
if (switch_ivr_originate(session, &peer_session, &cause, data, timelimit, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Originate Failed. Cause: %s\n", switch_channel_cause2str(cause));
if (!do_continue && cause != SWITCH_CAUSE_NO_ANSWER) {
/* All Causes besides NO_ANSWER terminate the originating session unless continue_on_fail is set.
We will pass the fail cause on when we hangup. */
switch_channel_hangup(caller_channel, cause);
/* Otherwise.. nobody answered. Go back to the dialplan instructions in case there was more to do. */
} else {
if (no_media_bridge) {
switch_channel_t *peer_channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(peer_session);
switch_frame_t *read_frame;
/* SIP won't let us redir media until the call has been answered #$^#%& so we will proxy any early media until they do */
while (switch_channel_ready(caller_channel) && switch_channel_ready(peer_channel)
&& !switch_channel_test_flag(peer_channel, CF_ANSWERED)) {
switch_status_t status = switch_core_session_read_frame(peer_session, &read_frame, -1, 0);
uint8_t bad = 1;
&& switch_core_session_write_frame(session, read_frame, -1, 0) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
bad = 0;
if (bad) {
switch_channel_hangup(caller_channel, SWITCH_CAUSE_DESTINATION_OUT_OF_ORDER);
switch_channel_hangup(peer_channel, SWITCH_CAUSE_DESTINATION_OUT_OF_ORDER);
goto end;
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Redirecting media to point-to-point mode.\n");
switch_ivr_nomedia(switch_core_session_get_uuid(session), SMF_FORCE);
switch_ivr_nomedia(switch_core_session_get_uuid(peer_session), SMF_FORCE);
switch_ivr_signal_bridge(session, peer_session);
} else {
if (switch_channel_test_flag(caller_channel, CF_BYPASS_MEDIA)) {
switch_ivr_signal_bridge(session, peer_session);
} else {
switch_ivr_multi_threaded_bridge(session, peer_session, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (peer_session) {
static const switch_application_interface_t bridge_application_interface = {
/*.interface_name */ "bridge",
/*.application_function */ audio_bridge_function,
/* long_desc */ "Bridge the audio between two sessions",
/* short_desc */ "Bridge Audio",
/* syntax */ "<channel_url>",
static const switch_loadable_module_interface_t mod_bridgecall_module_interface = {
/*.module_name = */ modname,

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@ -2392,6 +2392,8 @@ static void session_destroy(JSContext * cx, JSObject * obj)
switch_channel_set_private(channel, "jss", NULL);
switch_core_event_hook_remove_state_change(jss->session, hanguphook);
if (channel && switch_test_flag(jss, S_HUP)) {
switch_channel_hangup(channel, SWITCH_CAUSE_NORMAL_CLEARING);