diff --git a/platform/vsnet/GetLibs.bat b/platform/vsnet/GetLibs.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1675200c97 --- /dev/null +++ b/platform/vsnet/GetLibs.bat @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +REM @echo off +ECHO **************************************************************** +ECHO ************** VARIABLE SETUP ***************** +ECHO **************************************************************** + +for /f %%i in ('cscript /Nologo .\tools\Fulldir.vbs .\..\..\..\..') DO SET BASEDIR=%%i +set UTILSDIR=%BASEDIR%\src\freeswitch\platform\vsnet\Tools +set INCLUDEDIR=%BASEDIR%\include +set LIBSRCDIR=%BASEDIR%\src +set DEBUGLIBBINDIR=%BASEDIR%\debuglib +set WGET=cscript %UTILSDIR%\wget.vbs +set PATCHURL=http://www.jerris.com/ +SET PATCHTAR=patch.tar.gz +set TAR=%UTILSDIR%\tar.exe +set TARURL=http://users.pandora.be/larc/download/windows_management/tar.exe +set GUNZIP=%UTILSDIR%\gunzip.exe +set GUNZIPURL=http://users.pandora.be/larc/download/windows_management/gunzip.exe +set UNIX2DOS=%UTILSDIR%\unix2dos.vbs +set PATCH=%UTILSDIR%\PATCH.exe +set APRDIR=apr-1.2.2 +set APRTAR=%APRDIR%.tar.gz +set APRURL=ftp://ftp.wayne.edu/apache/apr/ +set APRDESTDIR=apr +set CCRTPDIR=ccrtp-1.3.5 +set CCRTPTAR=%CCRTPDIR%.tar.gz +set CCRTPURL=ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/ccrtp/ +set CCRTPDESTDIR=ccrtp +set CCPPDIR=commoncpp2-1.3.21 +set CCPPTAR=%CCPPDIR%.tar.gz +set CCPPURL=ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/commoncpp/ +set CCPPDESTDIR=commoncpp2 +set EXOSIPDIR=libeXosip-0.9.0 +set EXOSIPTAR=%EXOSIPDIR%.tar.gz +set EXOSIPURL=http://www.antisip.com/download/ +set EXOSIPDESTDIR=eXosip +set OSIPDIR=libosip2-2.2.1 +set OSIPTAR=%OSIPDIR%.tar.gz +set OSIPURL=http://www.antisip.com/download/ +set OSIPDESTDIR=libosip2-2.2.0 + +IF NOT EXIST %INCLUDEDIR% md %INCLUDEDIR% +IF NOT EXIST %DEBUGLIBBINDIR% md %DEBUGLIBBINDIR% +IF NOT EXIST %LIBSRCDIR% md %LIBSRCDIR% +cd %LIBSRCDIR% + +ECHO **************************************************************** +ECHO ************** DOWNLOADS ***************** +ECHO **************************************************************** + +IF NOT EXIST %TAR% %WGET% %TARURL% %UTILSDIR% +IF NOT EXIST %GUNZIP% %WGET% %GUNZIPURL% %UTILSDIR% +cd %UTILSDIR% +IF NOT EXIST %UTILSDIR%\%PATCHTAR% IF NOT EXIST %PATCH% %WGET% %PATCHURL%%PATCHTAR% %UTILSDIR% & %GUNZIP% < %UTILSDIR%\%PATCHTAR% | %TAR% xvf - & del %PATCHTAR% +cd %LIBSRCDIR% + +IF NOT EXIST %APRTAR% IF NOT EXIST %APRDESTDIR% %WGET% %APRURL%%APRTAR% & %GUNZIP% < %APRTAR% | %TAR% xvf - & ren %APRDIR% %APRDESTDIR% & del %APRTAR% +IF NOT EXIST %CCRTPTAR% IF NOT EXIST %CCRTPDESTDIR% %WGET% %CCRTPURL%%CCRTPTAR% & %GUNZIP% < %CCRTPTAR% | %TAR% xvf - & ren %CCRTPDIR% %CCRTPDESTDIR% & del %CCRTPTAR% +IF NOT EXIST %CCPPTAR% IF NOT EXIST %CCPPDESTDIR% %WGET% %CCPPURL%%CCPPTAR% & %GUNZIP% < %CCPPTAR% | %TAR% xvf - & ren %CCPPDIR% %CCPPDESTDIR% & del %CCPPTAR% +IF NOT EXIST %EXOSIPTAR% IF NOT EXIST %EXOSIPDESTDIR% %WGET% %EXOSIPURL%%EXOSIPTAR% & %GUNZIP% < %EXOSIPTAR% | %TAR% xvf - & ren %EXOSIPDIR% %EXOSIPDESTDIR% & del %EXOSIPTAR% +IF NOT EXIST %OSIPTAR% IF NOT EXIST %OSIPDESTDIR% %WGET% %OSIPURL%%OSIPTAR% & %GUNZIP% < %OSIPTAR% | %TAR% xvf - & ren %OSIPDIR% %OSIPDESTDIR% & del %OSIPTAR% + + +ECHO **************************************************************** +ECHO ************** VS Version Detection ***************** +ECHO **************************************************************** + +IF EXIST "%VS80COMNTOOLS%..\IDE\devenv.exe" GOTO VS8 +IF EXIST "%VS71COMNTOOLS%..\IDE\devenv.exe" GOTO VS7 +echo no Visual Studio .net 2003 or greater found. I don't know how to autobuild projects. Please manually build libs. +GOTO END + +:VS8 +set DEVENV="%VS80COMNTOOLS%..\IDE\devenv" +IF NOT EXIST %UTILSDIR%\upgrade.vbs copy %UTILSDIR%\upgrade8.vbs %UTILSDIR%\upgrade.vbs +call "%VS80COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat" +GOTO NEXT + +:VS7 +set DEVENV="%VS71COMNTOOLS%..\IDE\devenv" +IF NOT EXIST %UTILSDIR%\upgrade.vbs copy %UTILSDIR%\upgrade7.vbs %UTILSDIR%\upgrade.vbs +call "%VS71COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat" + +:NEXT +ECHO **************************************************************** +ECHO ************** APR BUILD ***************** +ECHO **************************************************************** + +cd %APRDESTDIR% +IF NOT EXIST %INCLUDEDIR%\apr.h copy %LIBSRCDIR%\%APRDESTDIR%\include\*.h %INCLUDEDIR% +IF NOT EXIST %INCLUDEDIR%\apr.h copy %LIBSRCDIR%\%APRDESTDIR%\include\apr.hw %INCLUDEDIR%\apr.h +IF NOT EXIST libapr.vcproj %UNIX2DOS% libapr.dsp +IF NOT EXIST libapr.vcproj cscript %UTILSDIR%\upgrade.vbs libapr.dsp libapr.vcproj +%DEVENV% libapr.vcproj /build Debug +REM %DEVENV% libapr.vcproj /build Release +copy %LIBSRCDIR%\%APRDESTDIR%\debug\*.lib %DEBUGLIBBINDIR% +copy %LIBSRCDIR%\%APRDESTDIR%\debug\*.dll %DEBUGLIBBINDIR% + + +ECHO **************************************************************** +ECHO ************** CCRTP BUILD ***************** +ECHO **************************************************************** + +cd %LIBSRCDIR%\%CCPPDESTDIR% +cd src +IF NOT EXIST patched.tag copy %UTILSDIR%\commoncpp2005.diff +IF EXIST commoncpp2005.diff %PATCH% -u -i commoncpp2005.diff +IF EXIST commoncpp2005.diff ren commoncpp2005.diff patched.tag +IF NOT EXIST "%INCLUDEDIR%\cc++" copy "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCPPDESTDIR%\src\*.h" "%INCLUDEDIR%" +IF NOT EXIST "%INCLUDEDIR%\ccrtp" copy "%LIBSRCDIR%\ccrtp4c\src\*.h" "%INCLUDEDIR%" +IF NOT EXIST "%INCLUDEDIR%\cc++" md "%INCLUDEDIR%\cc++" +IF NOT EXIST "%INCLUDEDIR%\ccrtp" md "%INCLUDEDIR%\ccrtp" +IF NOT EXIST "%INCLUDEDIR%\ccrtp\base.h" copy "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\src\ccrtp\*.h" "%INCLUDEDIR%\ccrtp" +IF NOT EXIST "%INCLUDEDIR%\cc++\pointer.h" copy "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCPPDESTDIR%\src\template\*.h" "%INCLUDEDIR%\cc++" +IF NOT EXIST "%INCLUDEDIR%\cc++\unix.h" copy "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCPPDESTDIR%\src\include\cc++\*.h" "%INCLUDEDIR%\cc++" +IF NOT EXIST "%INCLUDEDIR%\cc++\config.h" copy "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCPPDESTDIR%\src\w32\cc++\*.h" "%INCLUDEDIR%\cc++" + +IF NOT EXIST "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\include\cc++" md "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\include" & md "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\include\cc++" +IF NOT EXIST "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\include\cc++\unix.h" copy "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCPPDESTDIR%\w32\cc++\*.h" "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\include\cc++" +IF NOT EXIST "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\include\cc++\unix.h" copy "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCPPDESTDIR%\w32\cc++\*.h" "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\include" +IF NOT EXIST "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\include\cc++\unix.h" copy "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCPPDESTDIR%\include\cc++\*.h" "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\include\cc++\" + +IF NOT EXIST "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\template\cc++" md "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\template" & md "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\template\cc++" +IF NOT EXIST "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\template\cc++\pointer.h" copy "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCPPDESTDIR%\template\*.h" "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\template\cc++\" + +IF NOT EXIST "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\src" md "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\src" +IF NOT EXIST "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\src\unix.cpp" copy "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCPPDESTDIR%\src\*.*" "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\src\" +del "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\common\*.dsp" +copy "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCPPDESTDIR%\w32\*.dsp" "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\common\" +copy "%UTILSDIR%\ccrtp1.sln" "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\msvcpp\" + +IF NOT EXIST "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\common\ccgnu2.vcproj" cscript %UTILSDIR%\upgrade.vbs %LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\common\ccgnu2.dsp %LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\common\ccgnu2.vcproj +IF NOT EXIST "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\common\ccext2.vcproj" cscript %UTILSDIR%\upgrade.vbs %LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\common\ccext2.dsp %LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\common\ccext2.vcproj +IF NOT EXIST "%LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\msvcpp\ccrtp1.vcproj" cscript %UTILSDIR%\upgrade.vbs %LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\msvcpp\ccrtp1.dsp %LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\msvcpp\ccrtp1.vcproj + +cd %LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\common +%DEVENV% ccgnu2.vcproj /build Debug /project ccgnu2 +REM %DEVENV% ccgnu2.vcproj /build Release /project ccgnu2 +%DEVENV% ccext2.vcproj /build Debug /project ccext2 +REM %DEVENV% ccext2.vcproj /build Release /project ccext2 +cd %LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\msvcpp +%DEVENV% ccrtp1.vcproj /build Debug /project ccrtp1 +REM %DEVENV% ccrtp1.vcproj /build Release /project ccrtp1 +cd %LIBSRCDIR% + +copy %LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\common\debug\*.lib %DEBUGLIBBINDIR% +copy %LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\common\debug\*.dll %DEBUGLIBBINDIR% +copy %LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\msvcpp\debug\*.lib %DEBUGLIBBINDIR% +copy %LIBSRCDIR%\%CCRTPDESTDIR%\w32\msvcpp\debug\*.dll %DEBUGLIBBINDIR% + + +ECHO **************************************************************** +ECHO ************** OSIP BUILD ***************** +ECHO **************************************************************** + +IF NOT EXIST %INCLUDEDIR%\osip2 md %INCLUDEDIR%\osip2 +IF NOT EXIST %INCLUDEDIR%\osipparser2 md %INCLUDEDIR%\osipparser2 +IF NOT EXIST %INCLUDEDIR%\osip2\osip.h copy %LIBSRCDIR%\%OSIPDESTDIR%\include\osip2\*.h %INCLUDEDIR%\osip2 +IF NOT EXIST %INCLUDEDIR%\osipparser2\osip_parser.h copy %LIBSRCDIR%\%OSIPDESTDIR%\include\osipparser2\*.h %INCLUDEDIR%\osipparser2 +%DEVENV% %LIBSRCDIR%\%OSIPDESTDIR%\platform\vsnet\osip.sln /Upgrade +%DEVENV% %LIBSRCDIR%\%OSIPDESTDIR%\platform\vsnet\osip.sln /build Debug +REM %DEVENV% %LIBSRCDIR%\%OSIPDESTDIR%\platform\vsnet\osip.sln /build Release +copy %LIBSRCDIR%\%OSIPDESTDIR%\platform\vsnet\debug\*.lib %DEBUGLIBBINDIR% + + +ECHO **************************************************************** +ECHO ************** EXOSIP BUILD ***************** +ECHO **************************************************************** + +IF NOT EXIST "%INCLUDEDIR%\eXosip" md "%INCLUDEDIR%\eXosip" +IF NOT EXIST %INCLUDEDIR%\eXosip copy "%LIBSRCDIR%\%EXOSIPDESTDIR%\include\eXosip\*.h" "%INCLUDEDIR%\eXosip" +%UNIX2DOS% %LIBSRCDIR%\%EXOSIPDESTDIR%\platform\windows\eXosip.vcproj +%DEVENV% %LIBSRCDIR%\%EXOSIPDESTDIR%\platform\windows\eXosip.vcproj /Upgrade +%DEVENV% %LIBSRCDIR%\%EXOSIPDESTDIR%\platform\windows\eXosip.vcproj /build Debug +REM %DEVENV% %LIBSRCDIR%\%EXOSIPDESTDIR%\platform\windows\eXosip.vcproj /build Release +copy %LIBSRCDIR%\%EXOSIPDESTDIR%\platform\windows\debug\*.lib %DEBUGLIBBINDIR% + + +:END +cd %BASEDIR% + + diff --git a/platform/vsnet/Tools/Fulldir.vbs b/platform/vsnet/Tools/Fulldir.vbs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..86be49608b --- /dev/null +++ b/platform/vsnet/Tools/Fulldir.vbs @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") +Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments + +'system, user, or process +wscript.echo Showpath(objargs(0)) + +Function Showpath(folderspec) + Dim fso, f + Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") + Set f = fso.GetFolder(folderspec) + showpath = f.path +End Function \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/platform/vsnet/Tools/ccrtp1.sln b/platform/vsnet/Tools/ccrtp1.sln new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..935ba04e02 --- /dev/null +++ b/platform/vsnet/Tools/ccrtp1.sln @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ + +Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 9.00 +# Visual Studio 2005 +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "ccext2", "..\common\ccext2.vcproj", "{BDCDCE59-1DBA-48A9-A6F4-00C6E8528A29}" + ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject + {38CADFB3-E363-4B5C-9BA3-F77321211B9D} = {38CADFB3-E363-4B5C-9BA3-F77321211B9D} + EndProjectSection +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "ccgnu2", "..\common\ccgnu2.vcproj", "{38CADFB3-E363-4B5C-9BA3-F77321211B9D}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "ccrtp1", "ccrtp1.vcproj", "{3C266BF0-3EDE-4A83-8D10-E254456F7CDF}" + ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject + {38CADFB3-E363-4B5C-9BA3-F77321211B9D} = {38CADFB3-E363-4B5C-9BA3-F77321211B9D} + {BDCDCE59-1DBA-48A9-A6F4-00C6E8528A29} = {BDCDCE59-1DBA-48A9-A6F4-00C6E8528A29} + EndProjectSection +EndProject +Global + GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution + Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32 + Release|Win32 = Release|Win32 + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution + {BDCDCE59-1DBA-48A9-A6F4-00C6E8528A29}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {BDCDCE59-1DBA-48A9-A6F4-00C6E8528A29}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {BDCDCE59-1DBA-48A9-A6F4-00C6E8528A29}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {BDCDCE59-1DBA-48A9-A6F4-00C6E8528A29}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {38CADFB3-E363-4B5C-9BA3-F77321211B9D}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {38CADFB3-E363-4B5C-9BA3-F77321211B9D}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {38CADFB3-E363-4B5C-9BA3-F77321211B9D}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {38CADFB3-E363-4B5C-9BA3-F77321211B9D}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {3C266BF0-3EDE-4A83-8D10-E254456F7CDF}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {3C266BF0-3EDE-4A83-8D10-E254456F7CDF}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {3C266BF0-3EDE-4A83-8D10-E254456F7CDF}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {3C266BF0-3EDE-4A83-8D10-E254456F7CDF}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution + HideSolutionNode = FALSE + EndGlobalSection +EndGlobal diff --git a/platform/vsnet/Tools/commoncpp2005.diff b/platform/vsnet/Tools/commoncpp2005.diff new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..77f4388abd --- /dev/null +++ b/platform/vsnet/Tools/commoncpp2005.diff @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +--- thread.cpp.bak 2005-07-19 08:16:10.000000000 -0400 ++++ thread.cpp 2005-11-14 13:04:59.200854500 -0500 +@@ -1758,14 +1758,16 @@ + int SysTime::getTimeOfDay(struct timeval *tp) + { + struct timeval temp; +- int ret(0); ++ time_t now; ++ int ret(0); + lock(); + + #ifdef WIN32 + // We could use _ftime(), but it is not available on WinCE. + // (WinCE also lacks time.h) + // Note also that the average error of _ftime is around 20 ms :) +- time(&temp.tv_sec); ++ time(&now); ++ temp.tv_sec = (long) now; + temp.tv_usec = (GetTickCount() % 1000) * 1000; + memcpy(tp, &temp, sizeof(struct timeval)); + #else +--- lockfile.cpp.bak 2005-04-23 19:08:21.000000000 -0400 ++++ lockfile.cpp 2005-11-14 13:05:56.305244100 -0500 +@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ + bool Lockfile::lock(const char *name) + { + char mname[65]; +- char *ext = strrchr(name, '/'); ++ char *ext = (char *) strrchr(name, '/'); + + if(ext) + name = ++ext; +--- socket.cpp.bak 2005-10-09 09:12:35.000000000 -0400 ++++ socket.cpp 2005-11-14 13:05:32.710375300 -0500 +@@ -1330,7 +1330,7 @@ + return; + } + +-#if defined(SO_REUSEADDR) && !defined(WIN32) ++#if defined(SO_REUSEADDR) //&& !defined(WIN32) + int opt = 1; + setsockopt(so, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&opt, + (socklen_t)sizeof(opt)); diff --git a/platform/vsnet/Tools/unix2dos.vbs b/platform/vsnet/Tools/unix2dos.vbs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ba4acbc6ca --- /dev/null +++ b/platform/vsnet/Tools/unix2dos.vbs @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +Const OpenAsASCII = 0 ' Opens the file as ASCII (TristateFalse) +Const OpenAsUnicode = -1 ' Opens the file as Unicode (TristateTrue) +Const OpenAsDefault = -2 ' Opens the file using the system default + +Const OverwriteIfExist = -1 +Const FailIfNotExist = 0 +Const ForReading = 1 +Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments + +' path to original log file +sFileName = objargs(0) + +Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") +Set fOrgFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sFileName, ForReading, FailIfNotExist, OpenAsASCII) +sText = fOrgFile.ReadAll +fOrgFile.Close +sText = Replace(sText, vbLf, vbCrLf) +Set fNewFile = oFSO.CreateTextFile(sFileName, OverwriteIfExist, OpenAsASCII) +fNewFile.WriteLine sText +fNewFile.Close diff --git a/platform/vsnet/Tools/upgrade7.vbs b/platform/vsnet/Tools/upgrade7.vbs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..78b5506bed --- /dev/null +++ b/platform/vsnet/Tools/upgrade7.vbs @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +Set vcProj = CreateObject("VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.7.1") +Set objFile = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") +Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments + +'// check the arguments to be sure it's right +if (objArgs.Count() < 2) Then + WScript.Echo("VC6 or 5 DSP Project File Conversion") + WScript.Echo("Opens specified .dsp and converts to VC7.1 Format.") + WScript.Echo("Will create project file with .vcproj extension") + WScript.Echo("usage: ") + WScript.Quit(1) +End If +WScript.Echo("Converting: "+ objArgs.Item(0)) +'// If there is a file name of the .vcproj extension, do not convert +Set vcProject = vcProj.LoadProject(objArgs.Item(0)) +If Not objFile.FileExists(vcProject.ProjectFile) Then +' // specify name and location of new project file +vcProject.ProjectFile = objArgs.Item(1) + +' // call the project engine to save this off. +' // when no name is shown, it will create one with the .vcproj name +vcProject.Save() +WScript.Echo("New Project Name: "+vcProject.ProjectFile+"") + +else + + WScript.Echo("ERROR!: "+vcProject.ProjectFile+" already exists!") +End If diff --git a/platform/vsnet/Tools/upgrade8.vbs b/platform/vsnet/Tools/upgrade8.vbs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ec6664e4bf --- /dev/null +++ b/platform/vsnet/Tools/upgrade8.vbs @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +Set vcProj = CreateObject("VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.8.0") +Set objFile = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") +Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments + +'// check the arguments to be sure it's right +if (objArgs.Count() < 2) Then + WScript.Echo("VC6 or 5 DSP Project File Conversion") + WScript.Echo("Opens specified .dsp and converts to VC7.1 Format.") + WScript.Echo("Will create project file with .vcproj extension") + WScript.Echo("usage: ") + WScript.Quit(1) +End If +WScript.Echo("Converting: "+ objArgs.Item(0)) +'// If there is a file name of the .vcproj extension, do not convert +Set vcProject = vcProj.LoadProject(objArgs.Item(0)) +If Not objFile.FileExists(vcProject.ProjectFile) Then +' // specify name and location of new project file +vcProject.ProjectFile = objArgs.Item(1) + +' // call the project engine to save this off. +' // when no name is shown, it will create one with the .vcproj name +vcProject.Save() +WScript.Echo("New Project Name: "+vcProject.ProjectFile+"") + +else + + WScript.Echo("ERROR!: "+vcProject.ProjectFile+" already exists!") +End If diff --git a/platform/vsnet/Tools/wget.vbs b/platform/vsnet/Tools/wget.vbs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6cc800d862 --- /dev/null +++ b/platform/vsnet/Tools/wget.vbs @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") +Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments + +StartPos = InstrRev(objargs(0), "/", -1, 1) +strlength = Len(objargs(0)) + +If objArgs.Count > 1 Then + Path= Showpath(objargs(1)) +Else + Path= Showpath(".") +End If +Wget objargs(0), Path & "\", Right(objargs(0),strlength-StartPos) + + +Sub Wget(URL, DestFolder, Imagefile) + +Set xml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") +xml.Open "GET", URL, False +xml.Send + +set oStream = createobject("Adodb.Stream") +Const adTypeBinary = 1 +Const adSaveCreateOverWrite = 2 +Const adSaveCreateNotExist = 1 + +oStream.type = adTypeBinary +oStream.open +oStream.write xml.responseBody + +' Do not overwrite an existing file +oStream.savetofile DestFolder & ImageFile, adSaveCreateNotExist + +' Use this form to overwrite a file if it already exists +' oStream.savetofile DestFolder & ImageFile, adSaveCreateOverWrite + +oStream.close + +set oStream = nothing +Set xml = Nothing +End Sub + +Function Showpath(folderspec) + Dim fso, f + Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") + Set f = fso.GetFolder(folderspec) + showpath = f.path +End Function \ No newline at end of file