[Tests] Fix build on new Drone

This commit is contained in:
Andrey Volk 2020-05-21 22:34:37 +04:00
parent 91f54340ed
commit 553c06add1
1 changed files with 7 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ steps:
- ./bootstrap.sh -j
- echo "applications/mod_test" >> modules.conf
- echo 'codecs/mod_openh264' >> modules.conf
- sed -i '/applications\/mod_http_cache/s/^#//g' modules.conf
- sed -i '/event_handlers\/mod_rayo/s/^#//g' modules.conf
- sed -i '/formats\/mod_opusfile/s/^#//g' modules.conf
- sed -i '/languages\/mod_lua/s/^#//g' modules.conf
- sed -i '/applications\\/mod_http_cache/s/^#//g' modules.conf
- sed -i '/event_handlers\\/mod_rayo/s/^#//g' modules.conf
- sed -i '/formats\\/mod_opusfile/s/^#//g' modules.conf
- sed -i '/languages\\/mod_lua/s/^#//g' modules.conf
- export ASAN_OPTIONS=log_path=stdout:disable_coredump=0:unmap_shadow_on_exit=1;
- ./configure --enable-address-sanitizer
- echo "#!/bin/bash\nmake -j`nproc --all` |& tee ./unit-tests-build-result.txt\nexitstatus=\${PIPESTATUS[0]}\necho \$exitstatus > ./build-status.txt\nmake install\n" > build.sh
- echo '#!/bin/bash\nmake -j`nproc --all` |& tee ./unit-tests-build-result.txt\nexitstatus=$${PIPESTATUS[0]}\necho $$exitstatus > ./build-status.txt\nmake install\n' > build.sh
- chmod +x build.sh
- ./build.sh
- cd tests/unit
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ steps:
- sed -i '/mod_xml_rpc/s/^/#/g' modules.conf
- ./configure
- mkdir -p scan-build
- echo "#!/bin/bash\nscan-build-4.0 -o ./scan-build/ make -j`nproc --all` |& tee ./scan-build-result.txt\nexitstatus=\${PIPESTATUS[0]}\necho \$exitstatus > ./scan-build-status.txt\n" > scan.sh
- echo '#!/bin/bash\nscan-build-4.0 -o ./scan-build/ make -j`nproc --all` |& tee ./scan-build-result.txt\nexitstatus=$${PIPESTATUS[0]}\necho $$exitstatus > ./scan-build-status.txt\n' > scan.sh
- chmod +x scan.sh
- ./scan.sh
- exitstatus=`cat ./scan-build-status.txt`
@ -119,6 +119,6 @@ trigger:
kind: signature
hmac: 4972b54c20a23506bbcbd29b9386784c7feb08993f26661c6fb495ed01681ea9
hmac: dcc23ab357643343e144d6371bc2accbc25dcf18c6554bce1d7dc5ba532e9b41