move CNG into the core and rearrange a few things

git-svn-id: d0543943-73ff-0310-b7d9-9358b9ac24b2
This commit is contained in:
Anthony Minessale 2006-04-06 19:50:53 +00:00
parent a55bb56ff2
commit 0af60e1b2f
9 changed files with 82 additions and 168 deletions

View File

@ -214,7 +214,6 @@ codec_prefs => PCMU
password => mypass
dialplan => demo
message => Jingle all the way
generate_silence => yes
ip =>
; or ;
;ip => my_lan_ip

View File

@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ struct switch_frame {
switch_size_t samples;
/*! the rate of the frame */
int rate;
/*! the timestamp of the frame */
int32_t timestamp;
/*! frame flags */
switch_frame_flag flags;
#ifdef __cplusplus

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ extern "C" {
#define SWITCH_RTP_MAX_BUF_LEN 16384
///\defgroup rtp RTP (RealTime Transport Protocol)
///\ingroup core1
@ -134,9 +135,10 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_rtp_set_invald_handler(switch_rtp *rtp_session, swit
\param data the data to read
\param datalen the length of the data
\param payload_type the IANA payload of the packet
\param flags flags
\return the number of bytes read
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_rtp_read(switch_rtp *rtp_session, void *data, uint32_t datalen, int *payload_type);
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_rtp_read(switch_rtp *rtp_session, void *data, uint32_t datalen, int *payload_type, switch_frame_flag *flags);
\brief Read data from a given RTP session without copying
@ -145,7 +147,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_rtp_read(switch_rtp *rtp_session, void *data, uint32_
\param payload_type the IANA payload of the packet
\return the number of bytes read
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_rtp_zerocopy_read(switch_rtp *rtp_session, void **data, int *payload_type);
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_rtp_zerocopy_read(switch_rtp *rtp_session, void **data, int *payload_type, switch_frame_flag *flags);
\brief Write data to a given RTP session
@ -153,6 +155,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_rtp_zerocopy_read(switch_rtp *rtp_session, void **dat
\param data data to write
\param datalen the size of the data
\param ts then number of bytes to increment the timestamp by
\param flags flags
\return the number of bytes written
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_rtp_write(switch_rtp *rtp_session, void *data, int datalen, uint32_t ts);

View File

@ -250,27 +250,38 @@ typedef enum {
\brief Channel Flags
CF_SEND_AUDIO = (1 << 0) - Channel will send audio
CF_RECV_AUDIO = (1 << 1) - Channel will receive audio
CF_ANSWERED = (1 << 2) - Channel is answered
CF_OUTBOUND = (1 << 3) - Channel is an outbound channel
CF_EARLY_MEDIA = (1 << 4) - Channel is ready for audio before answer
CF_ORIGINATOR = (1 << 5) - Channel is an originator
CF_TRANSFER = (1 << 6) - Channel is being transfered
CF_ANSWERED = (1 << 0) - Channel is answered
CF_OUTBOUND = (1 << 1) - Channel is an outbound channel
CF_EARLY_MEDIA = (1 << 2) - Channel is ready for audio before answer
CF_ORIGINATOR = (1 << 3) - Channel is an originator
CF_TRANSFER = (1 << 4) - Channel is being transfered
CF_ACCEPT_CNG = (1 << 5) - Channel will accept CNG frames
typedef enum {
CF_SEND_AUDIO = (1 << 0),
CF_RECV_AUDIO = (1 << 1),
CF_ANSWERED = (1 << 2),
CF_OUTBOUND = (1 << 3),
CF_EARLY_MEDIA = (1 << 4),
CF_ORIGINATOR = (1 << 5),
CF_TRANSFER = (1 << 6)
CF_ANSWERED = (1 << 0),
CF_OUTBOUND = (1 << 1),
CF_EARLY_MEDIA = (1 << 2),
CF_ORIGINATOR = (1 << 3),
CF_TRANSFER = (1 << 4),
CF_ACCEPT_CNG = (1 << 5)
} switch_channel_flag;
\enum switch_frame_flag
\brief Frame Flags
CF_CNG = (1 << 0) - Frame represents comfort noise
typedef enum {
SFF_CNG = (1 << 0)
} switch_frame_flag;
\enum switch_signal
\brief Signals to send to channels

View File

@ -46,13 +46,8 @@ typedef enum {
TFLAG_VOICE = (1 << 6),
TFLAG_RTP_READY = (1 << 7),
TFLAG_SILENCE = (1 << 9)
typedef enum {
typedef enum {
@ -92,10 +87,7 @@ struct private_object {
switch_codec read_codec;
switch_codec write_codec;
struct switch_frame read_frame;
struct switch_frame cng_frame;
struct mdl_profile *profile;
unsigned char read_buf[SWITCH_RECCOMMENDED_BUFFER_SIZE];
switch_core_session *session;
switch_caller_profile *caller_profile;
unsigned short samprate;
@ -126,7 +118,6 @@ struct private_object {
int32_t timestamp_dtmf;
char *codec_name;
int codec_num;
switch_time_t cng_next;
struct rfc2833_digit {
@ -317,13 +308,7 @@ static void *SWITCH_THREAD_FUNC negotiate_thread_run(switch_thread *thread, void
tech_pvt-> = tech_pvt->read_buf;
tech_pvt->read_frame.buflen = sizeof(tech_pvt->read_buf);
tech_pvt-> = tech_pvt->cng_buf;
tech_pvt->cng_frame.buflen = sizeof(tech_pvt->cng_buf);
if (switch_core_codec_init(&tech_pvt->read_codec,
@ -337,9 +322,6 @@ static void *SWITCH_THREAD_FUNC negotiate_thread_run(switch_thread *thread, void
tech_pvt->read_frame.rate = tech_pvt->read_codec.implementation->samples_per_second;
tech_pvt->read_frame.codec = &tech_pvt->read_codec;
tech_pvt->cng_frame.rate = tech_pvt->read_codec.implementation->samples_per_second;
tech_pvt->cng_frame.codec = &tech_pvt->read_codec;
memset(tech_pvt->cng_buf,255, sizeof(tech_pvt->cng_buf));
switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "Set Read Codec to %s\n", tech_pvt->codec_name);
@ -358,7 +340,6 @@ static void *SWITCH_THREAD_FUNC negotiate_thread_run(switch_thread *thread, void
switch_core_session_set_read_codec(session, &tech_pvt->read_codec);
switch_core_session_set_write_codec(session, &tech_pvt->write_codec);
//switch_set_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_SILENCE);
//printf("WAIT %s %d\n", switch_channel_get_name(channel), switch_test_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_OUTBOUND));
@ -402,6 +383,8 @@ static switch_status channel_on_init(switch_core_session *session)
channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
assert(channel != NULL);
tech_pvt->read_frame.buflen = SWITCH_RTP_MAX_BUF_LEN;
/* Move Channel's State Machine to RING */
switch_channel_set_state(channel, CS_RING);
@ -557,7 +540,6 @@ static switch_status channel_read_frame(switch_core_session *session, switch_fra
size_t bytes = 0, samples = 0, frames = 0, ms = 0;
switch_channel *channel = NULL;
int payload = 0;
switch_time_t now;
channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session);
assert(channel != NULL);
@ -578,28 +560,12 @@ static switch_status channel_read_frame(switch_core_session *session, switch_fra
assert(tech_pvt->rtp_session != NULL);
tech_pvt->read_frame.datalen = 0;
while (!switch_test_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_BYE) && switch_test_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_IO) && tech_pvt->read_frame.datalen == 0) {
payload = -1;
tech_pvt->read_frame.datalen = switch_rtp_read(tech_pvt->rtp_session, tech_pvt->, sizeof(tech_pvt->read_buf), &payload);
if (switch_test_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_SILENCE)) {
if (tech_pvt->read_frame.datalen) {
switch_clear_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_SILENCE);
} else {
now = switch_time_now();
if (now >= tech_pvt->cng_next) {
tech_pvt->cng_next += ms;
if (!tech_pvt->cng_frame.datalen) {
tech_pvt->cng_frame.datalen = bytes;
memset(tech_pvt->, 255, tech_pvt->cng_frame.datalen);
//printf("GENERATE X bytes=%d payload=%d frames=%d samples=%d ms=%d ts=%d sampcount=%d\n", tech_pvt->cng_frame.datalen, payload, frames, samples, ms, tech_pvt->timestamp_recv, tech_pvt->read_frame.samples);
*frame = &tech_pvt->cng_frame;
tech_pvt->read_frame.flags = 0;
tech_pvt->read_frame.datalen = switch_rtp_zerocopy_read(tech_pvt->rtp_session, &tech_pvt->, &payload, &tech_pvt->read_frame.flags);
/* RFC2833 ... TBD try harder to honor the duration etc.*/
if (payload == 101) {
@ -629,23 +595,6 @@ static switch_status channel_read_frame(switch_core_session *session, switch_fra
if (switch_test_flag(tech_pvt->profile, PFLAG_GENSILENCE)) {
if ((switch_test_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_SILENCE) || payload == 13) && tech_pvt->cng_frame.datalen) {
memset(tech_pvt->, 255, tech_pvt->cng_frame.datalen);
*frame = &tech_pvt->cng_frame;
//printf("GENERATE bytes=%d payload=%d frames=%d samples=%d ms=%d ts=%d sampcount=%d\n", tech_pvt->cng_frame.datalen, payload, frames, samples, ms, tech_pvt->timestamp_recv, tech_pvt->read_frame.samples);
switch_set_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_SILENCE);
tech_pvt->cng_next = switch_time_now() + ms;
if (payload != tech_pvt->codec_num) {
if (tech_pvt->read_frame.datalen > 0) {
bytes = tech_pvt->read_codec.implementation->encoded_bytes_per_frame;
frames = (tech_pvt->read_frame.datalen / bytes);
@ -653,14 +602,8 @@ static switch_status channel_read_frame(switch_core_session *session, switch_fra
ms = frames * tech_pvt->read_codec.implementation->microseconds_per_frame;
tech_pvt->timestamp_recv += (int32_t) samples;
tech_pvt->read_frame.samples = (int) samples;
if (switch_test_flag(tech_pvt->profile, PFLAG_GENSILENCE)) {
//memcpy(tech_pvt->cng_buf, tech_pvt->read_buf, tech_pvt->read_frame.datalen);
tech_pvt->cng_frame.datalen = tech_pvt->read_frame.datalen;
tech_pvt->cng_frame.samples = tech_pvt->read_frame.samples;
switch_clear_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_SILENCE);
//printf("READ bytes=%d payload=%d frames=%d samples=%d ms=%d ts=%d sampcount=%d\n", tech_pvt->read_frame.datalen, payload, frames, samples, ms, tech_pvt->timestamp_recv, tech_pvt->read_frame.samples);
//printf("READ bytes=%d payload=%d frames=%d samples=%d ms=%d ts=%d sampcount=%d\n", (int)tech_pvt->read_frame.datalen, (int)payload, (int)frames, (int)samples, (int)ms, (int)tech_pvt->timestamp_recv, (int)tech_pvt->read_frame.samples);
@ -1072,10 +1015,6 @@ static switch_status load_config(void)
profile->name = switch_core_strdup(module_pool, val);
} else if (!strcmp(var, "message")) {
profile->message = switch_core_strdup(module_pool, val);
} else if (!strcmp(var, "generate_silence")) {
if (switch_true(val)) {
switch_set_flag(profile, PFLAG_GENSILENCE);
} else if (!strcmp(var, "ip")) {
profile->ip = switch_core_strdup(module_pool, val);
} else if (!strcmp(var, "extip")) {
@ -1331,7 +1270,7 @@ static ldl_status handle_signalling(ldl_handle_t *handle, ldl_session_t *dlsessi
switch_test_flag(tech_pvt->profile, PFLAG_GENSILENCE) ? SWITCH_RTP_NOBLOCK : 0,
&err, switch_core_session_get_pool(tech_pvt->session)))) {
switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "RTP ERROR %s\n", err);

View File

@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ typedef enum {
TFLAG_RTP = (1 << 7),
TFLAG_BYE = (1 << 8),
TFLAG_ANS = (1 << 9),
TFLAG_EARLY_MEDIA = (1 << 10),
TFLAG_SILENCE = (1 << 11)
@ -95,10 +94,8 @@ struct private_object {
unsigned int flags;
switch_core_session *session;
switch_frame read_frame;
switch_frame cng_frame;
switch_codec read_codec;
switch_codec write_codec;
unsigned char cng_buf[320];
switch_caller_profile *caller_profile;
int cid;
int did;
@ -123,7 +120,6 @@ struct private_object {
switch_mutex_t *rtp_lock;
switch_queue_t *dtmf_queue;
char out_digit;
switch_time_t cng_next;
switch_time_t last_read;
unsigned char out_digit_packet[4];
unsigned int out_digit_sofar;
@ -232,11 +228,7 @@ static switch_status exosip_on_init(switch_core_session *session)
tech_pvt = switch_core_session_get_private(session);
assert(tech_pvt != NULL);
tech_pvt-> = tech_pvt->cng_buf;
tech_pvt->read_frame.buflen = sizeof(tech_pvt->cng_buf);
tech_pvt-> = tech_pvt->cng_buf;
tech_pvt->cng_frame.buflen = sizeof(tech_pvt->cng_buf);
tech_pvt->read_frame.buflen = SWITCH_RTP_MAX_BUF_LEN;
switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "EXOSIP INIT\n");
@ -582,27 +574,8 @@ static switch_status exosip_read_frame(switch_core_session *session, switch_fram
while (!switch_test_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_BYE) && switch_test_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_IO)
&& tech_pvt->read_frame.datalen == 0) {
now = switch_time_now();
tech_pvt->read_frame.datalen = switch_rtp_zerocopy_read(tech_pvt->rtp_session, &tech_pvt->, &payload);
if (switch_test_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_SILENCE)) {
if (tech_pvt->read_frame.datalen) {
switch_clear_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_SILENCE);
} else {
now = switch_time_now();
if (now >= tech_pvt->cng_next) {
tech_pvt->cng_next += ms;
if (!tech_pvt->cng_frame.datalen) {
tech_pvt->cng_frame.datalen = bytes;
memset(tech_pvt->, 255, tech_pvt->cng_frame.datalen);
//printf("GENERATE X bytes=%d payload=%d frames=%d samples=%d ms=%d ts=%d sampcount=%d\n", tech_pvt->cng_frame.datalen, payload, frames, samples, ms, tech_pvt->timestamp_recv, tech_pvt->read_frame.samples);
*frame = &tech_pvt->cng_frame;
tech_pvt->read_frame.flags = 0;
tech_pvt->read_frame.datalen = switch_rtp_zerocopy_read(tech_pvt->rtp_session, &tech_pvt->, &payload, &tech_pvt->read_frame.flags);
if (timeout > -1) {
@ -640,23 +613,6 @@ static switch_status exosip_read_frame(switch_core_session *session, switch_fram
if (switch_test_flag(&globals, TFLAG_SILENCE)) {
if ((switch_test_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_SILENCE) || payload == 13) && tech_pvt->cng_frame.datalen) {
*frame = &tech_pvt->cng_frame;
//printf("GENERATE bytes=%d payload=%d frames=%d samples=%d ms=%d ts=%d sampcount=%d\n", tech_pvt->cng_frame.datalen, payload, frames, samples, ms, tech_pvt->timestamp_recv, tech_pvt->read_frame.samples);
switch_set_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_SILENCE);
tech_pvt->cng_next = switch_time_now() + ms;
if (payload != tech_pvt->payload_num) {
tech_pvt->read_frame.datalen = 0;
if (tech_pvt->read_frame.datalen > 0) {
tech_pvt->last_read = switch_time_now();
bytes = tech_pvt->read_codec.implementation->encoded_bytes_per_frame;
@ -665,21 +621,12 @@ static switch_status exosip_read_frame(switch_core_session *session, switch_fram
ms = frames * tech_pvt->read_codec.implementation->microseconds_per_frame;
tech_pvt->timestamp_recv += (int32_t) samples;
tech_pvt->read_frame.samples = (int) samples;
if (switch_test_flag(&globals, TFLAG_SILENCE)) {
tech_pvt->cng_frame.datalen = tech_pvt->read_frame.datalen;
tech_pvt->cng_frame.samples = tech_pvt->read_frame.samples;
switch_clear_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_SILENCE);
} else {
memset(tech_pvt->cng_buf, 0, 160);
tech_pvt-> = tech_pvt->cng_buf;
tech_pvt->read_frame.datalen = 160;
switch_clear_flag(tech_pvt, TFLAG_READING);
@ -1263,9 +1210,6 @@ static switch_status exosip_create_call(eXosip_event_t * event)
ms = tech_pvt->write_codec.implementation->microseconds_per_frame / 1000;
switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "Activate Inbound Codec %s/%d %d ms\n", dname, rate, ms);
tech_pvt->read_frame.codec = &tech_pvt->read_codec;
tech_pvt->cng_frame.rate = tech_pvt->read_codec.implementation->samples_per_second;
tech_pvt->cng_frame.codec = &tech_pvt->read_codec;
memset(tech_pvt->cng_buf,255, sizeof(tech_pvt->cng_buf));
switch_core_session_set_read_codec(session, &tech_pvt->read_codec);
switch_core_session_set_write_codec(session, &tech_pvt->write_codec);
@ -1432,9 +1376,6 @@ static void handle_answer(eXosip_event_t * event)
ms = tech_pvt->write_codec.implementation->microseconds_per_frame / 1000;
switch_console_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_CONSOLE, "Activate Outbound Codec %s/%d %d ms\n", dname, rate, ms);
tech_pvt->read_frame.codec = &tech_pvt->read_codec;
tech_pvt->cng_frame.rate = tech_pvt->read_codec.implementation->samples_per_second;
tech_pvt->cng_frame.codec = &tech_pvt->read_codec;
memset(tech_pvt->cng_buf,255, sizeof(tech_pvt->cng_buf));
switch_core_session_set_read_codec(tech_pvt->session, &tech_pvt->read_codec);
switch_core_session_set_write_codec(tech_pvt->session, &tech_pvt->write_codec);
@ -1605,10 +1546,6 @@ static int config_exosip(int reload)
globals.port = atoi(val);
} else if (!strcmp(var, "host")) {
} else if (!strcmp(var, "cng")) {
if (switch_true(val)) {
switch_set_flag(&globals, TFLAG_SILENCE);
} else if (!strcmp(var, "dialplan")) {
} else if (!strcmp(var, "codec_prefs")) {

View File

@ -653,6 +653,7 @@ static switch_status channel_write_frame(switch_core_session *session, switch_fr
switch_swap_linear(frame->data, (int) frame->datalen / 2);
//printf("Send %ld %d\n", time(NULL), (int) frame->datalen);
iax_send_voice(tech_pvt->iax_session, tech_pvt->codec, frame->data, (int) frame->datalen,

View File

@ -957,9 +957,11 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status) switch_core_session_read_frame(switch_core_session
assert(session != NULL);
assert(*frame != NULL);
/* if you think this code is redundant.... too bad! I like to understand what I'm doing */
if ((session->read_codec && (*frame)->codec
&& session->read_codec->implementation != (*frame)->codec->implementation)) {
if (switch_test_flag(*frame, SFF_CNG)) {
if ((session->read_codec && (*frame)->codec && session->read_codec->implementation != (*frame)->codec->implementation)) {
need_codec = TRUE;
@ -1086,8 +1088,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status) switch_core_session_read_frame(switch_core_session
return status;
static switch_status perform_write(switch_core_session *session, switch_frame *frame, int timeout, switch_io_flag flags,
int stream_id)
static switch_status perform_write(switch_core_session *session, switch_frame *frame, int timeout, switch_io_flag flags, int stream_id)
struct switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *ptr;
switch_status status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE;
@ -1119,7 +1120,16 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status) switch_core_session_write_frame(switch_core_sessio
assert(frame != NULL);
assert(frame->codec != NULL);
/* if you think this code is redundant.... too bad! I like to understand what I'm doing */
if (switch_test_flag(frame, SFF_CNG)) {
if (switch_channel_test_flag(session->channel, CF_ACCEPT_CNG)) {
return perform_write(session, frame, timeout, flag, stream_id);
if ((session->write_codec && frame->codec && session->write_codec->implementation != frame->codec->implementation)) {
need_codec = TRUE;
@ -2219,7 +2229,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_core_session *) switch_core_session_request(const switch_e
return NULL;
switch_channel_init(session->channel, session, CS_NEW, (CF_SEND_AUDIO | CF_RECV_AUDIO));
switch_channel_init(session->channel, session, CS_NEW, 0);
/* The session *IS* the pool you may not alter it because you have no idea how
its all private it will be passed to the thread run function */

View File

@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
#define MAX_KEY_LEN 64
#define rtp_header_len 12
#define RTP_MAX_BUF_LEN 16384
#define RTP_START_PORT 16384
#define RTP_END_PORT 32768
static switch_port_t NEXT_PORT = RTP_START_PORT;
static switch_mutex_t *port_lock = NULL;
@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ static switch_mutex_t *port_lock = NULL;
typedef srtp_hdr_t rtp_hdr_t;
typedef struct {
srtp_hdr_t header;
char body[RTP_MAX_BUF_LEN];
srtp_hdr_t header;
} rtp_msg_t;
struct switch_rtp {
@ -85,6 +85,9 @@ struct switch_rtp {
static int global_init = 0;
static switch_status ice_out(switch_rtp *rtp_session)
@ -332,7 +335,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_rtp_set_invald_handler(switch_rtp *rtp_session, swit
rtp_session->invalid_handler = on_invalid;
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_rtp_read(switch_rtp *rtp_session, void *data, uint32_t datalen, int *payload_type)
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_rtp_read(switch_rtp *rtp_session, void *data, uint32_t datalen, int *payload_type, switch_frame_flag *flags)
switch_size_t bytes;
@ -359,10 +362,16 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_rtp_read(switch_rtp *rtp_session, void *data, uint32_
memcpy(data, rtp_session->recv_msg.body, bytes);
*payload_type = rtp_session->;
if (*payload_type == SWITCH_RTP_CNG_PAYLOAD) {
*flags |= SFF_CNG;
return (int)(bytes - rtp_header_len);
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_rtp_zerocopy_read(switch_rtp *rtp_session, void **data, int *payload_type)
SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_rtp_zerocopy_read(switch_rtp *rtp_session, void **data, int *payload_type, switch_frame_flag *flags)
switch_size_t bytes;
@ -391,6 +400,10 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_rtp_zerocopy_read(switch_rtp *rtp_session, void **dat
*payload_type = rtp_session->;
*data = rtp_session->recv_msg.body;
if (*payload_type == SWITCH_RTP_CNG_PAYLOAD) {
*flags |= SFF_CNG;
return (int)(bytes - rtp_header_len);
@ -410,7 +423,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_rtp_write(switch_rtp *rtp_session, void *data, int da
rtp_session->payload = htonl(rtp_session->payload);
memcpy(rtp_session->send_msg.body, data, datalen);
bytes = datalen + rtp_header_len;
switch_socket_sendto(rtp_session->sock, rtp_session->remote_addr, 0, (void*)&rtp_session->send_msg, &bytes);
if (rtp_session->ice_user) {
@ -435,6 +448,7 @@ SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_rtp_write_payload(switch_rtp *rtp_session, void *data
rtp_session-> = (uint8_t)htonl(payload);
memcpy(rtp_session->send_msg.body, data, datalen);
bytes = datalen + rtp_header_len;
switch_socket_sendto(rtp_session->sock, rtp_session->remote_addr, 0, (void*)&rtp_session->send_msg, &bytes);