This is minimized official FreeSwitch docker container.
Container designed to run on host network.
Size of container decreased to 120MB (54MB compressed)
Significantly increased security:
1) removed all libs except libc, busybox, freeswitch and dependent libs.
2) removed 'system' API command from vanila config
3) updated FreeSwitch default SIP password to random value
Used environment variables
1) ```SOUND_RATES``` - rates of sound files that must be downloaded and installed. Available values ```8000```, ```16000```, ```32000```, ```48000```. May defined multiply values using semicolon as delimiter. Example ```SOUND_RATES=8000:16000```;
2) ```SOUND_TYPES``` - types of sound files that must be downloaded and installed. Available values music, ```en-us-callie```, ```en-us-allison```, ```ru-RU-elena```, ```en-ca-june```, ```fr-ca-june```, ```pt-BR-karina```, ```sv-se-jakob```, ```zh-cn-sinmei```, ```zh-hk-sinmei```. Example ```SOUND_TYPES=music:en-us-callie```;