forked from Mirrors/bubbletea
164 lines
4.3 KiB
164 lines
4.3 KiB
package main
import (
tea ""
const (
// You usually won't need this unless you're processing some pretty stuff
// with some pretty complicated ANSI escape sequences. Turn it on if you
// notice flickering.
// Also note that high performance rendering only works for programs that
// use the full size of the terminal. We're enabling that below with
// tea.AltScreen().
useHighPerformanceRenderer = false
headerHeight = 3
footerHeight = 3
func main() {
// Load some text to render
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile("")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("could not load file:", err)
// Set PAGER_LOG to a path to log to a file. For example:
// export PAGER_LOG=debug.log
// This becomes handy when debugging stuff since you can't debug to stdout
// because the UI is occupying it!
p := os.Getenv("PAGER_LOG")
if p != "" {
f, err := tea.LogToFile(p, "pager")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Could not open file %s: %v", p, err)
defer f.Close()
// Use the full size of the terminal in its "alternate screen buffer"
defer tea.ExitAltScreen()
if err := tea.NewProgram(
).Start(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("could not run program:", err)
type model struct {
content string
ready bool
viewport viewport.Model
func initialize(content string) func() (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
return func() (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
return model{
// Store content in the model so we can hand it off to the viewport
// later.
content: content,
}, nil
func update(msg tea.Msg, mdl tea.Model) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
m, _ := mdl.(model)
var (
cmd tea.Cmd
cmds []tea.Cmd
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case tea.KeyMsg:
// Ctrl+c exits
if msg.Type == tea.KeyCtrlC {
return m, tea.Quit
case tea.WindowSizeMsg:
verticalMargins := headerHeight + footerHeight
if !m.ready {
// Since this program is using the full size of the viewport we need
// to wait until we've received the window dimensions before we
// can initialize the viewport. The initial dimensions come in
// quickly, though asynchronously, which is why we wait for them
// here.
m.viewport = viewport.NewModel(msg.Width, msg.Height-verticalMargins)
m.viewport.YPosition = headerHeight
m.viewport.HighPerformanceRendering = useHighPerformanceRenderer
m.ready = true
} else {
m.viewport.Width = msg.Width
m.viewport.Height = msg.Height - verticalMargins
if useHighPerformanceRenderer {
// Render (or re-render) the whole viewport. Necessary both to
// initialize the viewport and when the window is resized.
// This is needed for high-performance rendering only.
cmds = append(cmds, viewport.Sync(m.viewport))
// Because we're using the viewport's default update function (with pager-
// style navigation) it's important that the viewport's update function:
// * Recieves messages from the Bubble Tea runtime
// * Returns commands to the Bubble Tea runtime
m.viewport, cmd = viewport.Update(msg, m.viewport)
if useHighPerformanceRenderer {
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
return m, tea.Batch(cmds...)
func view(mdl tea.Model) string {
m, _ := mdl.(model)
if !m.ready {
return "\n Initalizing..."
headerTop := "╭───────────╮"
headerMid := "│ Mr. Pager ├"
headerBot := "╰───────────╯"
headerMid += strings.Repeat("─", m.viewport.Width-runewidth.StringWidth(headerMid))
header := fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s", headerTop, headerMid, headerBot)
footerTop := "╭──────╮"
footerMid := fmt.Sprintf("┤ %3.f%% │", m.viewport.ScrollPercent()*100)
footerBot := "╰──────╯"
gapSize := m.viewport.Width - runewidth.StringWidth(footerMid)
footerTop = strings.Repeat(" ", gapSize) + footerTop
footerMid = strings.Repeat("─", gapSize) + footerMid
footerBot = strings.Repeat(" ", gapSize) + footerBot
footer := fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s", footerTop, footerMid, footerBot)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s", header, viewport.View(m.viewport), footer)